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Publisher Blurb
Released 30th October 2024 While out on a scouting mission in unexplored terrain, Cheetara encounters a rogue cell of Mu'Tants. In the course of subduing them, she discovers that a much larger Mu'Tant horde led by Slithe is mobilizing to attack the last survivors of Thundera at that very second! Now the ThunderCats' swiftest warrior must reach the Cat's Lair before the Mu'Tants to sound the alarm - while also battling against Slithe's forces every step of the way! Redoubtable writer DECLAN SHALVEY and indefatigable illustrator DREW MOSS pick up the pace with ThunderCats #9, accelerated by propulsive covers from SHALVEY, DAVID NAKAYAMA, LUCIO PARRILLO, JAE LEE & JUNE CHUNG, and IVAN TAO! ALL COVERS CARDSTOCK