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Publisher Blurb
Released 25th September 2024 When Tygra mysteriously vanishes, taking the Eye of Thundera with him, Lion-0 and the rest of the ThunderCats thrown into turmoil. But things really get confused when Tygra reappears as an old man! He claims to have been sent into the past through a mishap with a time door, and forced to survive in isolation on Third Earth until he caught up to the present day. But the old Tygra seems changed in more fun- damental ways than his age- - and those changes are definitely not for the better! Acclaimed author DECLAN SHALVEY and fan-favorite artist DREW MOSS go down the rabbit hole with ThunderCats #8, encouraged by exemplary cover art from SHALVEY, DAVID NAKAYAMA, LUCIO PARRILLO, JAE LEE & JUNE CHUNG, and IVAN TAO!