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The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys s/c

The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys s/c The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys s/c

The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys s/c back

Gerard Way, Shaun Simon & Becky Cloonan


Page 45 Review by Jonathan

Hmm, the first non-UMBRELLA ACADEMY material from Gerard Curds n' Way and I can't decide if I think it is merely good, or great. In fairness, Gerard and I have previous form in this respect, because I felt exactly the same about the first volume of UMBRELLA ACADEMY, whereas when I read the second I loved it. And, upon re-reading the first volume, I did subsequently 'get' it and found it much more enjoyable. I guess therefore what I can say is THE TRUE LIVES OF THE FABULOUS KILLJOYS is to sci-fi what UMBRELLA ACADEMY is to superheroes. Rather bonkers, bordering on daft in places.

The KILLJOYS is also very pretty - huge kudos to Becky Cloonan on art duties - so what we end up with is a tasty piece of candy floss speculative fiction that has a few interesting-ish things it is trying to say. It succeeds, to an extent, simply because it is slickly done without dwelling on the deep and meaningful for too long before zapping onto the next scene. Overall it feels rather like an artfully directed expensive music video, actually, probably exactly what Way was going for consciously or otherwise. I did find some of the future-speak soundbite dialogue a touch grating, but on another day that might have just washed over me. Still, decent enough to guarantee a place on Top Of The Pops...
