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The Snooty Bookshop: Fifty Literary Postcards

The Snooty Bookshop: Fifty Literary Postcards The Snooty Bookshop: Fifty Literary Postcards The Snooty Bookshop: Fifty Literary Postcards The Snooty Bookshop: Fifty Literary Postcards The Snooty Bookshop: Fifty Literary Postcards The Snooty Bookshop: Fifty Literary Postcards

The Snooty Bookshop: Fifty Literary Postcards back

Tom Gauld


Page 45 Review by Stephen

From the creator of the longer-form GOLIATH and MOONCOP comes a booklet of fifty literary postcards to puncture our pretensions or wilful dim-wittedness with cartoons and short comics, accompanied where required with the deftest of timing.

The problem with that is it's almost impossible to convey through quotation, so I selected some choice interior art for you instead. Some of all-time favourites are in here.

"But Stephen, we've already read some of these in Gauld's BAKING WITH KAFKA and YOU'RE ALL JUST JEALOUS OF MY JETPACK!"

Well, tear them out and send them to somebody! It's a book of postcards!

Alternatively frame the fiends, and arrange them artfully around your house where they can cause the most mischief: convulsive with laughter is ill-conducive to an accurate aim in the loo. Hmmmm. Arrange them around someone else's house, then.

All the above titles reviewed in much greater length and depth. You'd never fit this on the back of a postcard as it is.
