Fiction  > Comedy  > Bad Machinery

Solver vol 1 s/c (Signed)

Solver vol 1 s/c (Signed) back

John Allison


Page 45 Review by Publisher Blurb

10 photos from the funniest comic so far this decade: John Allison's SOLVER.

"I'm putting this beyond use... with mayonnaise."

All copies signed!
76 sold before review even written!!
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From the man with THREE Page 45 Comicbook Of The Months already under his S-buckled belt, I rate this right up with his comedic, gesticular and fashion-fabulous best.

So if BAD MACHINERY made you grin your cotton-rich socks off, you need Need NEED this, not least because it stars BAD MACH's Lottie Grote, who is vair self-possessed.

She's also a barista-bar-none, v choosy ("If I wanted to work with syrup and cream, I'd get a job milking unicorns."), and so much in demand that there isn't a coffee shop in the country that isn't prepared to pay her at least minimum wage. But her parental units are perturbed that she's idling: drifting off what they foresaw as a thrillingly tempestuous course, so --

They needn't have worried. The trajectory here is so tempestuous that the map'll be muddled afore tea-time into a soggy, shredded mess of papier mâché which will misdirect beer drinkers, bulls, stags and Hebridean Harris tweed long before the k-pop carnage kicks in. The WHAT, you say?! The k-pop. Just LOOK at that butt-bump! Ooo-err!

Oh how I promised you fashion! Lottie's purple puffer's but the starting point (along with its overlong, zipped-up male cocoon counterpart). Her new boyf's boyband D-Slide are... oh my god. I can smell the underarm teen-fug from here. Lottie's their self-appointed manager, obvs.

"Whatever happens, we need 100% energy, 100% commitment... and about 40% horniness because this is a school, okay? Go go go go GO!"
"I don't know if I can get my horniness that low. I've never tried."

Because this and BAD MACH were self-published one punchline page at a time online, both come with a comedic concentrate that makes 1970s sugar-saturated neat Ribena taste compar'tively weak.

And the big difference here are the lack of parameters: it can go ANYwhere. And it does.

Far more in-depth analysis of Allison in my BAD MACHINERY overview here:
