Fiction  > Comedy  > Scott Pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024

Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024

Scott Pilgrim: Print Collection 2004-2024 back

Bryan Lee O'Malley


Page 45 Review by Stephen

Bryan Lee O'Malley's SCOTT PILGRIM PRINT COLLECTION 2004-2024!!!

My swoons are silk-softened with sighs. Also, it's a wee bit substantial: 20 sizeable prints on thick, quality card.

Boxed set of the complete comics collection also in stock. You know my reviews by now:

"Scott is a clot. If a Chinese takeaway were his totality, then dim would sure sum him up..."

SECONDS and LOST AT SEA both in stock, and reviewed.

We ship worldwide, dontchaknow.

The publisher writes:

"In celebration of 20 years of the Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim—Oni Press proudly presents the Scott Pilgrim Print Collection 2004-2024, commemorating one of the most iconic and influential graphic novel series of the last two decades with a collectible print collection box set! Presented on heavy cardstock, fans can showcase a selection of iconic, frame-ready images personally curated by creator Bryan Lee O'Malley with 21 high-quality, 9" x 12" prints, including all new never-before-seen art, classic images, and randomly inserted, limited edition sketch prints!"
Temporarily out of stock.
We should receive more very shortly.

Feel free to order as normal.
You will only be charged when it arrives.
