Fiction  > Fantasy  > Rat Queens

Rat Queens vol 1: Sass & Sorcery

Rat Queens vol 1: Sass & Sorcery Rat Queens vol 1: Sass & Sorcery Rat Queens vol 1: Sass & Sorcery

Rat Queens vol 1: Sass & Sorcery back

Kurtis J. Wiebe & Roc Upchurch


Page 45 Review by Jonathan

Sometimes, things are just so preposterously outlandish they work. The Rat Queens are an eclectic bunch of hard-drinking, drug-taking, monster-bashing ladies of pretty much every fantastical ethnicity. Starved of excitement, barely tolerated by the local constabulary on the basis that they do occasionally help keep the locale safe (when they're not busy smashing it up during yet another booze-addled barroom brawl, that is), they are in desperate need some shenanigans in their lives. Cue an assassination attempt on them and several of their dungeoneering rivals - for some mysterious reason possibly not entirely unrelated to their continued collateral damage of their city - and finally it's time to have some fun!

Like some insane Dadaist revision of a staid and boring Dungeon and Dragons module, liberally coated with mead and then set aflame, this is utter nonsense. It should by all rights be rubbish, but instead it's hilarious. As parodies of fighting fantasy go it's amongst the best I've read. It's certainly as ridiculous as (the currently re-printing) DUNGEON QUEST, a personal favourite of mine which mercilessly satirises the genre thus neatly appealing to both fans and haters of the archetype. I was also strongly minded of the recent DISENCHANTED, though this is definitely played far more for laughs. Anyone who reads / watches ADVENTURE TIME is almost certain to love it too, I would think.

Kurtis Wiebe may have struck a potentially rich seam of comedy gold here. With gold, though, inevitably comes trouble...
