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Monica h/c

Monica h/c Monica h/c Monica h/c Monica h/c Monica h/c Monica h/c Monica h/c Monica h/c Monica h/c Monica h/c

Monica h/c back

Daniel Clowes


Page 45 Review by Jonathan

Why did Monica’s mother suddenly abandon her as a young child and who of her mother’s many unsuitable and unstable lovers could possibly be her father?

These burning questions about the fundamental black holes in the very fabric of her existence have always haunted Monica and her decades long quest for answers is about to lead us on a confounding, and at times contradictory, search down the rabbit hole of what lies just beneath the veneer of civilized America. It ain’t pretty that’s for sure.

Perpetually ill at ease with her situation and restless for some ever-elusive resolution, Monica’s search will test the limits of her sanity, and perhaps even take her a little further than that. Combined with a centuries old Lovecraftian sub-plot that certainly will reach a dramatic conclusion, it might just be enough to tip us all over the edge...
