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Mega Robo Bros vol 6: Carnival Crisis s/c

Mega Robo Bros vol 6: Carnival Crisis s/c Mega Robo Bros vol 6: Carnival Crisis s/c Mega Robo Bros vol 6: Carnival Crisis s/c

Mega Robo Bros vol 6: Carnival Crisis s/c back

Neill Cameron


Page 45 Review by Stephen

Young robotos with a HEART!

Alex and Freddy are two super-powered robot youths taking on all manner of oversized mecha threats in between bouts of attending a London school They are also two young, inexperienced individuals with much to learn about the world.... and themselves. Well, Alex is. Freddy is a-fightin'!

Older brother Alex has reached "certain predetermined aged points" which are activating a "whole series of subroutines" in his brain and body.

Yes, exactly, And Alex is an android, which means his physical development isn't determined in the same way as ours. He has a much greater degree of direct control.

So it's time for Alex to decide who he wants to grow into - including shape, size and indeed gender. And, if you care to consider it, that throws open a whole set of questions about how exactly we chose who we want to be, and if we're ever aware, when young, just how much impact our choices back then will have, long into our lives.

Now, if you want to reflect on Alex's emotional development, I'd send you allll the way back to the second book where he shows touching evidence of terrific sensitivity in the corner shop. As does his Dad.

That's nurture for you.

I love this series not for its fisticuffs but for its big ideas - genuinely big ideas - dropped in ever so casually, gently and thoughtfully and compassionately - then almost instantly kicked right into touch by the impatient, sugar-buzz thrill-frenzy of younger brother Freddy.

