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Publisher Blurb
Released 13th November 2024 VIRTUAL AFFECTION MAY DESTROY REAL FRIENDSHIP! INVADERS SET THE ELVES' FOREST ABLAZE! 'The Adventures of Lenifille' (Kazuaki Ishida), 'VR XOXO' (Luis Torres, MitsuBlinger). 'The Adventures of Lenifille' (Kazuaki Ishida): Lenifille's party return too late to the Zephyr Wood, but , King Lecter's (literally) bloodthirsty forces have set the forest ablaze to smoke out the elves within! 'VR XOXO' (Luis Torres, MitsuBlinger): Discovering Itsumi has hooked up with the A.I. character Eshima, Akari feels heartbroken and betrayed by her old childhood friend. Kiko and Shizuka grow more concerned for their increasingly erratic friend and seek her out at the arcade, hoping to help her before it's too late.