Jupiters Legacy Library Ed h/c vol 1 back
Mark Millar & Frank Quitely, various
Date Released: Expected 12-Mar-25
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Mark Millar and Frank Quitely's comic-book masterpiece, a vast epic covering three generations of superheroes from the early 20th Century to the far future. In 1929, six friends were called to a mysterious island and returned home with super-powers. The story that unfolded is like none before, a huge mythological tale that explores everything from superheroes enforcing their real-world politics on humanity to the secret, alien origins of the human race itself. Jupiter's Legacy covers three generations of heroes in a vast trilogy that has been described as The Lord of the Rings for superheroes. Featuring stunning art and designs from co-creator Frank Quitely and interior art by Wilfredo Torres. Collects Jupiter's Legacy Volume 1 and Volume 2.
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