John Constantine Hellblazer By Jamie Delano Omnibus h/c vol 2 back
Jamie Delano, Various, various, David Lloyd
Date Released: Expected 08-Jul-25
Preview by Publisher Blurb
THE ACCLAIMED FINALE TO JAMIE DELANO'S LEGENDARY RUN! Art by David Lloyd, Jock, Sean Phillips, Ron Tiner, Philip Bond and Others John Constantine is responsible for the deaths of many, but he's never been the one to pull the trigger. When targeted by the Family Man killer, a deadly game of cat and mouse will unravel his life. Shifting from hunted to hunter, Constantine will confront his past, present, and potential future to discover the man he wants to be. Collects HELLBLAZER #23-40, The HORRORIST #1-2, HELLBLAZER #84, HELLBLAZER: PANDEMONIUM, HELLBLAZER: BAD BLOOD #1-4, and tales from HELLBLAZER #250 and VERTIGO SECRET FILES: HELLBLAZER #1, with a brand-new introduction by Delano, a treasure trove of behind-the-scenes art, and more.
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