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Publisher Blurb
Released 13th November 2024 AN ALL-NEW DETECTIVE NOIR OF GIGANTIC PROPORTIONS! CHINATOWN MEETS THE BFG IN AN ORIGINAL SERIES Something HUGE is coming! WHEN A STRING OF MURDERS AND DISAPPEARANCES SWEEP THE UNITED STATES, A HUMAN AND A GIANT WITH SIZABLE DETECTIVE SKILLS ARE ON THE CASE! After a race of giants emerged from deep sleep beneath the earth, a bloody conflict ensued in what became known as THE OMEGA EVENT. Eventually, a treaty is resolved and the state of Brobdingnag is created, allowing humans and giants to co-exist harmoniously. Yet tragedy threatens to shatter the peace, and an unlikely partnership is formed between Detectives Tamaki and GYANT. As the pair attempt to stop the criminal AT LARGE, they find themselves involved in a mystery BIGGER than either could imagine