Please note: single issues move so fast we can’t guarantee this item is in stock at any given time. But if we don't have a copy we will immediately back order it for you.
Back orders, for items which are in print and available, will typically arrive at Page 45 within 1 week if the UK distributor has stock, or 3 to 4 weeks if they need to request it from the US distributor's warehouse or the publisher.
Please note, we do NOT guarantee first printings. If you are speculating on 'hot' titles and want multiple first print copies of comics we probably don't have left in stock, please just don't bother ordering. Comics should be for reading...
Any questions, call 0115 9508045 or email For info on Standing Orders, the best way to make sure you get EXACTLY what you want, click here.
Publisher Blurb
Released 16th October 2024 IF EVERY TOMBSTONE TELLS A TALE . . . YOU'RE IN LUCK, BECAUSE THIS GRAVEYARD IS FULL OF THEM! You know the drill, comic guys and gals . . . so let's VROOM, VROOM! Fueled by the vengeful spirit of the legendary EC Comics, we proudly present all-new tales of the macabre and merciless from some of the top talents with a penchant for dragging you down to the bottom stair of despair! This month: Live hard, die fast creators J. Holtham and Raúl Allén, Amy Roy and Claire Roe, and Jay Stephens and David Lapham welcome you in the cold grasp of the ABYSS-there's no need to RSVP, and time shares are available!