Fiction  > 2000A.D.

Chopper: Wandering Spirit

Chopper: Wandering Spirit Chopper: Wandering Spirit Chopper: Wandering Spirit Chopper: Wandering Spirit Chopper: Wandering Spirit

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David Baillie, Al Ewing, T.C. Eglington, Rob Williams & Brendan McCarthy


Page 45 Review by Publisher Blurb

The Oz Radback, 2140 AD. Legendary Mega-city skysurfer Marlon Shakespeare has retired to Oz, where he has been living a trouble-free life. But when he goes in pursuit of the mutants that kidnapped his friend Wally during a radstorm, the ageing skysurfer gets far more trouble than he bargained for! This book collects the latest adventure of Mega-City One's greatest skysurfer as well as several Judge Dredd stories also featuring the vibrant psychedelic art of Brendan McCarthy.
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