Fiction  > Contemporary  > Cerebus

Cerebus vol 8: Women

Cerebus vol 8: Women back

Dave Sim & Dave Sim, Gerhard


Page 45 Review by Stephen

Ah, the famous Sandman and Death parodies which Neil Gaiman loves so much, here in the form of Swoon and Snuff, the latest incarnations of Dave Sim's Roach and Elrod, himself a homage to Michael Moorcook's Elric.

The Cirinists and Kevillists debate. In real life, there's never been quite such a debate: feminists have never taken on matriarchs or vice-versa except on abortion, and even so they've never really perceived that debate to be a conflict between women because the crackdown on women's right to choose what happens to their bodies has been led by men as part of organised religion's male-dominated, eons-old, ongoing battle to subjugate women and keep them that way.

On the other hand, JAKA's STORY does gives you pause for thought, no?

Meanwhile Cerebus meets a woman called Sernia, but that may not be her given name. Why do you think her lips look that they were once sewn up?

The final chess pieces move into place as Cirin attempts a Final Ascension. Everything, everything has been leading up to this.

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