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Publisher Blurb
Released 2nd October 2024 Fresh off saving the universe (yeah, she works big) from being enslaved by self-proclaimed gods in Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold, Barbs and Vix are ready for a little R&R - but they're about to discover that not all pleasure planets are created equal. In fact, some are downright unreal! Meanwhile, in another quadrant of the galaxy, something is off with Earth's oldest and most venerable colony - something that only Barbarella's uniquely well-rounded skills can resolve! New faces, new locales, and new adventures await in Barbarella #1, brought to you by the new creative team of writer BLAKE NORTHCOTT (Vampirella, Catwoman, Evanescence: Echoes From the Void) and artist ANNA MOROZOVA (Judge Dredd, 2000 AD, Brail for Dummies) - all enhanced by form-fitting covers from JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER, ANNIE WU, RICHARD PACE, and cosplay by RACHEL HOLLON! ALL COVERS CARDSTOCK