Art Of Top Cow Legacy s/c back
Marc Silvestri, Matt Hawkins, Phil Smith & Michael Turner, Stjepan Sejic, Linda Sejic, David Mack, David Finch, Marc Silvestri
Date Released: Expected 14-May-25
Preview by Publisher Blurb
THE ART OF TOP COW: LEGACY showcases a stunning collection of artwork spanning Top Cow's over thirty-year history. Featuring pieces from Top Cow creator MARC SILVESTRI as well as the beloved MICHAEL TURNER, with breathtaking works by superstar artist STJEPAN Å EJIC, his wife LINDA Å EJIC as well as comics-industry legends like DAVID FINCH, JOE BENITEZ, ED BENES, BRETT BOOTH, J. SCOTT CAMPBELL, as well as a new wave of artists linking the past to the present in the form of GIUSEPPE CAFARO, WILLI ROBERTS, ANDREA MUTTI, ROSA EKEDAL, PAT BOUTIN, and more. THE ART OF TOP COW: LEGACY brings together the past and present, showing the artistic evolution of the studio in a coffee table-style book, featuring editorial commentary to guide collectors of exceptional comicsâ art through the history of each series. Sure to bring fans of fine artwork from the world of comics together.
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