Self-Published  > Andi Watson

Rose (Sketched & Signed In)

Rose (Sketched & Signed In)

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Andi Watson


Page 45 Review by Publisher Blurb

"You rent a new place.
"It is conspicuously cheap."

Who could resist? Especially in this housing market! I'll take whatever I can get my hands on, personally, and if that turned out to be a monolithic European-style castle I certainly wouldn't say no. But first the garden may need tending, just a little, and the rooms will certainly need a thorough dusting. With a new home this vast, exploring is a must; who knows what secrets a building like this could hold?

"She doesn't know you're here.
"She had a shiny bead of blood on the tip of her finger.
"No need to tiptoe around."

At first glance this is seemingly merely a fresh take on 'The Sleeping Beauty' fable. We are presented with the familiar story from the perspective of an unsuspecting chap who simply needs a place to rent. Bemused by the sheer amount of dusting, and entirely clueless as to what, or more precisely who, lies hidden within his new home... until he stumbles across her... he nevertheless takes it all in his stride, over time finding himself becoming her valiant caretaker.

But this is a society with the slight quirk of having princes in abundance, all of whom are now attempting to break into our young protagonist's new digs for their chance to awaken the fair maiden and claim her as their own. At first he simply calls the police and lets the flowers grow back a bit, but soon the princes start pushing their luck...

Deceptively gentle, you'll be drawn in by wonderfully tender moments such as the perfectly content dormouse nestled in the snoozing beauty's hair. But don't be fooled as this is not a love story, for it wouldn't be an Andi Watson comic if things were as straightforward as that! Consider it more of a cautionary tale of the potent effects of falling in love, of obsession, and of possession. Tread carefully, new renter, or you might not get your deposit back…

For another view-askew of 'Sleeping Beauty', please see Neil Gaiman and Chris Riddell's THE SLEEPER AND THE SPINDLE.

For more of his mini-comics, please see our burgeoning Andi Watson Collection, the first of which we made our last Page 45 Comicbook Of The Month.
