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Rook Exodus #1 Cvr A Fabok

Rook Exodus #1 Cvr A Fabok back

Geoff Johns & Jason Fabok


Please note: single issues move so fast we can’t guarantee this item is in stock at any given time. But if we don't have a copy we will immediately back order it for you.

Back orders, for items which are in print and available, will typically arrive at Page 45 within 1 week if the UK distributor has stock, or 3 to 4 weeks if they need to request it from the US distributor's warehouse or the publisher.

Please note, we do NOT guarantee first printings. If you are speculating on 'hot' titles and want multiple first print copies of comics we probably don't have left in stock, please just don't bother ordering. Comics should be for reading...

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Publisher Blurb

Released 4th April 2024 SERIES PREMIERE GEOFF JOHNS and JASON FABOK, the celebrated team behind the smash hit Batman: Three Jokers, reunite for an all-new science fiction series! Hundreds of years from now, the man known as Rook was once a simple farmer who fled the crumbling Earth for a new life on the planet Exodus; a terraformed planet where all of nature, including its imported animal population, was completely controlled by humans called Wardens. But when Exodus's world engine failed, the Wardens' power fell into the wrong hands, creating chaos and mass evacuation… for those who could afford it. The rest, like Rook, must scavenge for an escape vessel as the war for control of what's left of Exodus begins. 44 pages of story for only $3.99!
