Previews & Pre-Orders  > January 2024 Previews - for items arriving mainly in March 2024  > Graphic Novels  > Other A-Z

Project Riese s/c vol 1

Project Riese s/c vol 1 back

Zac Thompson & Jeff McComsey

Date Released: Expected 20-Mar-24


Preview by Publisher Blurb

Sam Safdie and his intrepid group of treasure hunters set out to uncover the secrets that lie within the massive Nazi complex built underneath the Owl Mountains... Project Riese. Though they're hoping to find a fortune in missing gold, but the truth of the complex is much more complex. At their backs is an awful German Archeologist known only as The Baron who will stop at nothing to steal the secrets of Project Riese for himself. But little do either of them know - the complex houses strange secrets that skirt the edges of known science. Secrets that are dying to escape the abandoned facility....
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