Previews & Pre-Orders  > April 2024 Previews - for items arriving mainly in June 2024  > Graphic Novels  > Other A-Z

Mare Hollow The Shoemaker s/c

Mare Hollow The Shoemaker s/c back

Jake Tacito

Date Released: Expected 26-Jun-24


Preview by Publisher Blurb

In the happy little town of Mare Hollow, there lives a shoemaker. He enjoys a peaceful life, spending time with his cat and working on his passion, making shoes. But when he meets a beautiful young woman, he suddenly starts seeing monsters and horrible nightmarish creatures. Does Ida have something to do with this, is it his imagination, or is there more to this town than he first thought? After all, the roots of Mare Hollow run long and deep. If only they didn't smell so rotten.
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