Previews & Pre-Orders  > February 2024 Previews - for items arriving mainly in April 2024  > Graphic Novels  > Other A-Z

Her Frankenstein s/c

Her Frankenstein s/c back

Norikazu Kawashima

Date Released: Expected 15-May-24


Preview by Publisher Blurb

Dare to read the psycho-horror classic that horror manga master Junji Ito called a 'frightening but moving story about an unfortunate individual who, lost in search of his true self, finds his own annihilation instead.' Little Tetsuo is a wimpy mess. His parents don't love him. He meets the beautiful Kimiko, an ailing teenage girl obsessed with movies and mayhem in equal amounts. She doesn't love Tetsuo either, or anyone other than herself. But she needs him. So Tetsuo becomes the man she wants-the monster she wants. He becomes Her Frankenstein!
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