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Forgotten Runes Wizards Cult s/c

Forgotten Runes Wizards Cult s/c back

Joe Rechthman & Reilly Brown

Date Released: Expected 09-Oct-24


Preview by Publisher Blurb

Explore the Runiverse in the comic book debut of the Forgotten Runes Wizards! Perfect for fans of lighthearted, original fantasy stories set in a unique living universe! What begins as a seemingly unconnected series of fantastic tales about disparate wizards - Archmagus Crowley of Atlantis, who has been hired to steal a treasure chest from a ship in the middle of the ocean; Mystic Willow of the Brambles who's dealing with her own drama, as the humans in a nearby village wrongfully accuse her of abducting children; Alchemist Danny of the Fey's apprentice begins to suspect her master has been kidnapped and replaced with an imposter - gradually merges into a much larger, and more terrifying tale.
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