Previews & Pre-Orders  > January 2024 Previews - for items arriving mainly in March 2024  > Graphic Novels  > Fantagraphics

Fantagraphics Underground Stan Macks Real Life Funnies

Fantagraphics Underground Stan Macks Real Life Funnies back

Stan MacK

Date Released: Expected 27-Mar-24


Preview by Publisher Blurb

Sketchbook in hand, Stan Mack haunted the New York City environs, watching, listening, overhearing, and interviewing its inhabitants. He drew a comic strip every week based on what he saw and heard, famously using verbatim dialogue for his graphic dramatizations. A mixture of humor, spontaneity, serendipity, and weirdness, Mack's comic strip snapshots caught New Yorkers -whether it is an extortionist calligrapher, a baby evading arrest at her first protest, a stroll up Broadway with a ferret, an evening with a male liberationist, or an unlucky-in-love dolphin trainer- being who they are in all their unguarded and uninhibited glory.
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