Previews & Pre-Orders  > April 2024 Previews - for items arriving mainly in June 2024  > Graphic Novels  > Manga

Abandoned Empress vol 8

Abandoned Empress vol 8 back

Yuna & INA

Date Released: Expected 24-Jul-24


Preview by Publisher Blurb

The dreadful moment Tia's been waiting for has finally come-Jieun has arrived! However, she soon realizes there's something different about Jieun as politics pit the two crown princess candidates against each other in various tests of competence. In order to protect herself and the people dear to her, Tia has chosen to become the head of house Monique...but as the noblist faction makes their move with an openly hostile Jieun as their new pawn, Tia learns once again that within the palace, there is no room for mercy.
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