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A Small Change Finding The Joy In Everyday Things s/c

A Small Change Finding The Joy In Everyday Things s/c back

Rae-hyeon Kim

Date Released: Expected 20-Mar-24


Preview by Publisher Blurb

A young woman is out in the world for the first time, living on her own. When she decides to tie up her hair one day, she embarks on a journey of small, almost imperceptible but important changes. Relationships develop, problems emerge and decisions are made. As the year progresses and she navigates the ins and outs of daily life, she also discovers new ways of styling her hair. Because nothing stays the same-and sometimes, changing your hairstyle can have a deep impact on your life. This charming coming-of-age novel introduces the Korean concept of so-hak-hang-the belief that small pleasures like a movie night with friends, painting your nails or trying a new hairstyle are a simple but reliable means of finding true joy.
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